Xai Xai, Botswana
Destination nº2.
We flew into the northern city of Maun, then drove 10 hours into the Kalahari desert to meet Masters Kgam/to Kgau and Kgau Kgam. The small village of Xai Xai is home to the San People (also known as Bushmen). Isolation from the city allows people to live a simple life, interconnected with Nature and respectful of its precious resources.

Kgomxoo Tixhao and Kgao Qame are two San Bushmen from the Kalahari Desert.
These elders represent the polarity Male-Female thus forming an unique spiritual entity.
Together they are shamans and healers who receive messages through their dreams and trance dances when they connect with their ancestors.
They continue to live in complete accordance with Nature. Used to humbly sharing their resources to create the best around them, there culture is based on joy, listening, observation and experimentation. Their way of seeing life, living and teaching without pretence puts us face to face with the many incoherences of being a ‘modern man’.
Their simplicity mirrors the errors of educated men and the ease with which our society has created difficulties in all aspects of living.